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ICOLIM 2011. - Sigurnost prije svega!

10. me�unarodna konferencija
o radu pod naponom

Kada su se po�etkom lipnja 2008. godine u poljskom Torunu ugasila svjetla 9. ICOLIM-a, pozornost stru�njaka koji se u Europi bave razvojem i primjenom tehnologije rada pod naponom, okupljenih u Live Work Association (LWA), iz Njema�ke, Francuske, Italije, Španjolske, Portugala, �eške, Rumunjske, Ma�arske i Poljske - usmjerena je na Hrvatsku, na Zagreb, na ICOLIM 2011.

Desetu, jubilarnu Me�unarodnu konferenciju o radu pod naponom (ICOLIM), koja se od 31. svibnja do 2. lipnja 2011. godine odr�ava u Zagrebuhrvatskoj prijestolniciorganizira Hrvatska elektroprivreda pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva (MINGORP).  To je nacionalna elektroenergetska kompanija koja, poput drugih elektroprivrednih tvrtki, ima nastavno obrazovni centar za sustavno obu�avanje za primjenu tehnologije rada pod naponom.

Hrvatska, odnosno HEP, najmla�a je �lanica Stru�ne udruge za rad pod naponom LWA, koja je od 1992. godine svoje konferencije odr�avala svake dvije, a od 2008. svake tri godine.

Radovi za ICOLIM 2011. o najnovijim postignu�ima u razvoju, primjeni i pra�enju rada pod naponom osobito su usredoto�eni na sigurnost zaposlenika, postrojenja i opskrbe kupaca elektri�nom energijom.

Na prigodnoj izlo�bi prikazuju se najsuvremeniji strojevi, oprema i alati za rad pod naponom, a u�ivo rad pod naponom demonstrira se u Transformatorskoj stanici 400/220/110 kV �erjavinec u okolici Zagreba.

Autori i radovi:

  1. Mario Angel Ramos – „Process of selection, training and qualification of live working workers“ - S3
  2. Geraldo Magela Gontijo, Edivaldo Moreira Franco, Célio Gonçalves Júnior, Wagner Eustáquio Diniz – „500 kV Mobile Switch“ - S2
  3. Osveraldo Vilar França Lima, Gustavo José de Vasconcelos Xavier, Célio Gonçalves Júnior – „Installing Tranversal Busbar over Main Busbar at the Barreiras Subestation“ - S2
  4. Stanislav Motejzík, Václav �id – „Live working in the �EZ Group“ - S1
  5. Lubomír Vojtek – „Progress of Live line working on middle voltage level in E.ON in Czech Republic“ - S1
  6. Guy Riquel, Nicolas Oury – „Influence of floating objects on the dielectric strength“ - S2
  7. Guy Riquel, Frédéric Maciela, Sabine Ostermann – „Live working with direct current – Comparison with alternating-current behaviour using different tool technologies“ - S2
  8. Guy Riquel, Elie Durcik – “Thermal protection of Live Working operators for High voltage range” - S2
  9. Elie Durcik, Benoît Ertle – „Qualification of Live Working tools“ - S2
  10. Claude Mongars, Guillaume Héroin – „The organisation of live working in France“ - S1
  11. Frederic Eppler – „Manufacture insulation sticks and associated control according to CEI 60855“ - S2
  12. William Hernán Santana Achury, Iván Alberto Sanín Rincón – „Disconnection and Connection of CCVTS  Applying Live Line Working Methodology (ISA-Colombia)“ - S1
  13. Gerhard Rotter, Arnd Ehrhardt, Reinhold Kienlein – „DEHNarc arc fault protection system for additional protection during live working in low-voltage switchgear installations“ - S1
  14. Rainer Ziehmer, Gerhard Rotter– „PPE – Arcing-fault-tested protective gloves“ - S1
  15. Arnd Ehrhardt, Reinhold Kienlein, Gerhard Rotter, Michael Rock – “Principle, operation and protective effect of a modular arc fault protection system for use in low-voltage installations” - S3
  16. Holger Schau, Arnd Ehrhardt – „Proving tripping safety and immunity against malfunctions of the optical arc detection components of a novel electric fault arc protection system“ - S2
  17. Holger Schau, Martin Mehlem – „Risk analysis and guidelines for selecting PPE against the thermal hazards of electric fault arcs“ - S1
  18. Holger Schau, Martin Mehlem – „Testing of PPE for eye and face protection “ - S2
  19. Thomas Jordan, Hendrik Tänzer – „Class 2 Arc protection of electrician face shields - BSD ErgoS“ - S1
  20. Thomas Haack, HendrikTänzer, Thomas Jordan – „New single-phase Bypass devices for medium voltage switchgear“ - S2
  21. Klaus Dütsch – „Operational Experiences with 20 kV-Flying Sections“ - S1
  22. Bogumil Dudek, Krzysztof Miko�ajczyk, Les�aw Rogi�ski – “Replacement of conventional ground wires with OPGW on 400kV overhead power transmission line, installation under live-line conditions - Polish expertise.” - S1
  23. Carlos Rego, Carlos Santos – „Live working on low voltage industrial installations“ - S1
  24. Carlos Rego, Carlos Santos, José Rodrigues, Nuno Mendes – „EDP Qualification System of Live Working Training Companies“ - S3
  25. Stelian Alexandru Gal, Marius Oltean, Ioan Sevastre, Lucian Brabete – „Live Replacement of 400kv Bussbar Insulators in Brasov Substation“ - S1
  26. Marius Oltean, Ioan Sevastre, Ioan Rodean – “30 Years of Live Working in Romania. Economical Benefits of Live Working (case study)” - S1
  27. Stelian Alexandru Gal, Marius Nicolae Oltean, Traian Fagarasan, Mircea Opincaru – „On-line Monitoring of OHL Conductor Temperature; Live-Line Installation of The Ritherm System“ - S1
  28. Ilie Ardelean, Marius Oltean, George Florea, Elena Mateescu, Daniel Marginean, �tefan Kilyeni, Constantin Barbulescu – „Case Study on Increasing the Transport Capacity of 220 kV DC OHL IERNUT-BAIA Mare by Reconductoring Using LST Technologies“ - S1
  29. David Elizondo, Hans Candia, Bas Kruimer – “Ground based robots for transmission line work–technology description, international field project applications and economic benefits” - S2
  30. Marko Pirc, Viktor Lovren�i� – „Experience with live work (LW) implementation in Nuclear Power Plant Krško (NEK)“ - S1
  31. Viktor Lovren�i�, Matja� Lušin – „Slovenian training experience and methodologies for live work implementation“ - S3
  32. Dr. Martín Portillo Belinchón – „Live working as an example of excellence in the management of electricity networks“ -S1
  33. Nicolas Oury, Christian Atlani, Frédéric Eppler – „Management and control of the safety during live working operations through qualification tests Case of the insulating tube“ - S2
  34. Mariano Terzi – „Insulating Rope Tester: An Indispensable Tool in The Heart of Modern Live Line Working Methods“ - S2
  35. Mirsad Pojski� – “The experiences in organization of theoretical and practical education for live work in JP Elektroprivreda BiH, d.d. Sarajevo - S3
  36. Bogumil Dudek, Jerzy Nowikow, Waldemar Skomudek – „ Complete arc flash personal protective equipment for electricians“ - S1
  37. Claudio Valagussa, Ugo Leva,Giorgio De Donà, Carlo Dante Milanello, Rinaldo Carraro, Raffaella Carraro – „Laboratory Tests for the Verification of the Screening Performance of Protective Conductive Clothing used in Live Line Work“ - S2
  38. Paolo Mazza, Claudio Cherbaucich, Leonardo Nericcio, Giorgio De Donà, Doriano Bosonetto, Giancarlo Lomonte, Maurizio Franchi, Gianfranco Gamba –„On-site Verification of the Accuracy of the HV Instrument Transformers Used for Metering Purpose with LLW methods: New Developments in Order to Simplify the Installation of the Reference Measuring System“ - S1
  39. Giorgio De Donà, Caudio Valagussa – „Pollution on the lines and stations“ - S1
  40. Michele de Nigris, Giorgio De Donà – „From applied research to everyday application: The winning cycle of composite insulator diagnostic procedures“ - S2
  41. Hans-Peter Müllenbach – „10kV Bypass System - Development, Design and Experience Gained“- S2
  42. Miroslaw Schwann – “Raising the standard of customer service with the application of a low-voltage generator of high power for live working” - S2
  43. Faustino Simões, José Craveiro – „Live Line Dry Cleaning in Electrical Installations“ - S1
  44. Pedro Santos, Paulo Oliveira – „Professional Training Center of the Group ProCME“ - S3
  45. Ryszard Michniewski, Zbigniew Konieczny – “ENERGA SA as a pioneer and leader in the implementation of operating and repair work in Live Wire technology on 400 kV, 220 kV transmission networks and on 110 kV distribution networks in Poland” - S1
  46. Martín Portillo Belinchón, Luis Lorenzo Neira, Francisco Pérez, Julio Bertot, Daniel Cairol, Jorge Clapés, Julio Callejo, Ricardo Casas – "University Training in Live Working" - S3
  47. Marinko Stojkov, Damir Raljevi�, Damir Šljivac – “Renewal of knowledge for live working on the Internet” - S3
  48. Marinko Stojkov, Damir Raljevi�, Damir Šljivac – "Application of live working in HEP-ODS" - S1
  49. Marinko Stojkov, Damir Raljevi�, Srete Nikolovski – “Experience in education for live working at HEP - Teaching & training centre” - S3
  50. G. A. Florea, A. Dinca, I. A. Gal – "How To Protect The Bare-hand Live-line Workers Under The Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Influence by the Use of Biophytomodulators" - S1
  51. D. Marginean, E. Mateescu, H.S. Wechsler, G. A. Florea  – "Transforming Existing 220 kV Double Circuit Line into 400 kV Single Circuit Line in Romania" - S1
  52. Zoltán Ádám Tamus, Bálint Németh, István Kiss- "Investigation of Harmful Effect of Time-varying Magnetic Field on Live Line Workers" - S1
  53. Bálint Németh, Aladár Kimpián, István Berta, József Meixner –"Dr. Béla Csikós LLM Education Center in Hungary" - S3
  54. Burkhard Schulze – “Live working at voltages up to 1000 V by the electrical-installer in Germany” - S1
  55. Vladimir Caha, Damir Šljivac, Srete Nikolovski
  • "Accreditation of HV testing laboratory according HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2007 – testing of hot sticks" - S1
  • "Role of testing laboratory during live work training" - S3
  • "Testing of insulation of live work tools and equipment – experience based recommendations" - S2

Više o konferenciji:

Za portal: Darko Varga, HEP Osijek


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